Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tactical Media Project Proposal

For my tactical media project I am going to investigate existing research on children with a chronically ill parent. I will analyze effects of the disease, and then examine how a parent with neurological impairment may affect the child growing up within the family context.

I am passionate about doing research on this topic because I was raised by a parent who had a viral brain infection and suffered a stroke. This has had a huge impact on my upbringing and life. I hope to connect with others with an ill parent and do further exploration to learn more about what researchers in this field are saying.

I hope to make a contribution by sharing knowledge from my unique experience of being raised by a survivor and by sharing my personal testimony about how it has affected me. I hope to help others and prevent them from suffering in similar situations. I would also like to learn about others’ experiences or even about people that they may know who are also facing difficult circumstances or adapting to an ill parent’s condition. I would like to help others understand the impact that chronic illness, disease, stroke, or brain injuries that cause brain damage can have on the family structure and help prevent the negative effects and risks for the child. This tactical media project will provide information to raise awareness of serious risks, organizations that offer help and support, and provide solutions to help improve family life for the needs of the child.